Our program details:
Box Home Loans has teamed up with hundreds of employers throughout the country to provide their employees with a great perk and one more reason to love their employer – a private portal that provides special discounts on home loans to its employees.
Box Home Loans provides each employer with their own exclusive web-portal where their employees can go to get an exclusive, discounted price on a home loan – discounts that we do not offer on our public site. The portal costs the employer nothing and requires only a few minutes of our time to set it up. One H.R. director reacted to news of the portal in this way: “So, you’re telling me that I can offer a benefit to my employees – one that truly has value – and it doesn’t cost me a dime? All I have to do is make sure that my employees know that it exists? That’s a no-brainer. Sign me up!”
Every so often we think of something truly revolutionary. Such is the case with our Employee Perk Portal. To qualify to receive the portal, your company must:
- Have a minimum of 100 employees.
- Already (or at least be willing to) offer special perks to its employees.
- Have an existing system (or being willing to create one) to communicate those perks to its employees (i.e. email blast from HR, or company intranet site, etc).
To learn how your company can participate, contact Ben Brown at bbrown@boxhomeloans.com
create new emailor Call (877) 905-0005 x207
Here’s a small sampling of our existing corporate partnerships: